Welcome to Real Property Defense Research!

We are real people, like you; and we’ve been through foreclosure – like what it appears that you are going through – and we have shaped more positive outcomes.

A quick note about our outreach

We use a combination of e-mail, telephone calls, and text with intent to leave one e-mail, make one call (and if possible leave one text message) to each email address and phone number that we believe is associated with the foreclosed property.

Unfortunately, we sometimes call (text) outdated phone numbers. If you are the recipient of such call (or if you are uninterested), please accept our apology and please know that we only make the one outreach call/text to you. We appreciate your understanding.

For foreclosed homeowners and their tenants who find the information here helpful; unfortunately, we will not be making a second call to you. Please do call us back at your earliest convenience. We are easy to talk to; we care; and we want to share information that we believe can be helpful.

About us…

Our research team-members each have direct personal experience with navigating our own post-foreclosure situations. Each of us could have abandoned our homes or accepted breadcrumbs-for-keys from the winning bidder banks or investors; however, we decided to take the road less-traveled; and, by doing so, we have each shaped a more positive outcome for ourselves. Each of us is passionate about advancing our core research focused and achieving optimal outcomes for post-foreclosure people.

If your home recently went to auction, we invite you to browse these pages, listen to audio testimonials, consider the 2018-present results (allow time to load), and take some comfort in knowing that good people who have been through what you are going through want to share our research so that you can shape an optimal outcome for yourself as well.  

We run expiments that focus on:

  1. Slowing down the post-foreclosure eviction process; and/or,
  2. Challenging the foreclosure sale (for those with passion and the resources to do so); and/or,
  3. Claiming surplus sale proceeds for those who may be entitled to them.

And the good news is that those who leverage our research and participate in our experiments; whether their properties are valued $200,000, $2,000,000, or $20,000,000; are generally able to stay in their homes 1-2 years after the auction when they take the right actions (i.e. actions that are different than what the mainstream guides us to take.

How does the mainstream guide us?

The mainstream offers much guidance that we view as counterproductive to optimal outcomes.

Those who leverage our research stay in their homes, and most only use an attorney for important hearings – usually less than four appearances per year.

What results can those who leverage our research expect?

What else is important to know?

What you can do right now

Fun Facts